Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Last week Olivia proved to me that she was able to climb out of her crib. She started on Friday night. All of the sudden I hear a TUNK! So I head to her room. As soon as I hit the steps, there she is coming down. So I put her back in her crib and a few minutes later, I hear TUNK! So I again head back to her room and she has already started down the stairs. So Friday night I told her that if she gets out of her bed then she is in time-out. IT WORKED! Until Sunday morning. I was enjoying eating my breakfast by myself and I was listening to Liv on the monitor. Next thing I know, I was getting up to get her and she was behind me in the kitchen. I didn't even hear her get out of her crib. So needless to say, I converted her crib into her toddler bed!

She was so happy to see that she had a "Big Girl Bed". Once I finally got her crib taken apart and the new rails up, she ran from one side of her room, turned around and ran straight for her bed. As soon as she got to the opening she stopped and gently climbed in. She has been so easy to put to bed since, I should have made her "Big Girl Bed" sooner!

Every night since, she climbs in her bed, lays down, sucks her thumb, twirls her hair, I cover her up, give her a kiss on her forehead, tell her to have sweet dreams, turn the light out, and head down the steps. She hasn't gotten up yet. Let's hope it stays that way!

Getting so big!!!! So fast!!!!!

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