Liv's 1st Swimming Lesson (July 2, 2011)
I have to admit...I was a little worried that Liv wouldn't get in the pool without me there. Well, as you should know, that wasnt a problem at all. Liv did AMAZING! I couldn't believe how awesome she did. And I was worried? Really?
There are six kids in Liv's class. The teacher takes one kid around the pool while the others sit on the steps and wait for their turn.
Liv learning how to kick
Livi putting her kicking to use
The teacher told Liv to act like she was a StarFish. She said that starfish have five points and so do we. Our heads, arms/hands, and legs/feet. So once the teach showed the kids what to do...
Liv had NO PROBLEM doing it. My little StarFish!
The last lesson for that day was to learn how to do the "crabwalk". That's when you are walking along the side of the pool using your hands and feet to walk the ledge of the pool.
These classes are 8 weeks. As long as she can do what the instructors ask before the last class then she will be ready to move on. If she doesn't then I will sign her back up for the same class that she is in now until she is comfortable and ready to move up.