Sunday, October 23, 2011

Liv's First School Pictures

Three poses were taken and this was the only one that turned out.

Livi's Class Picture!

Of course she's the only frumpy kid in the picture. I guess her face tells all.

(Bottom row from left to right: Alex, Livi, and Brayden)

(Middle row from left to right: Tatiana, Zoey, Sydney, and Kyndal)

(Top row from left to right: Ms. Mandi, Jacob, Makale, Jayce, Tristan and Ms. Taylor)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chuckie Cheese

When Liv first started preschool, she had a hard time adjusting. So her teacher recommended that I start a sticker chart and see if that would help her adjust faster.

The deal was she had to collect all of her stickers for the week. If she did at the end of the week she could get a prize. Since she collected all of her stickers that week she asked to go to Chuck E. Cheese.

Earlier that week we went to Colleens house for Rosie's birthday party. During the party, Colleen told me that Rosie is having a hard time adjusting to 1st grade. So I made Rosie a deal. If she didn't give her mom a hard time the rest of the week, we wouuld take Rosie with Liv to Chuck E. Cheese.

Both girls did a great job that week so we went. I was able to get the girls to stop for one minute to get a picture. Phew!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Livi's 1st week at Pre-School

Liv's 1st Day!

Liv's very 1st picture in school!

When I picked her up she said that she had to go potty and drug me to the bathroom. She wanted to show me that they had toilets that were just her size and sinks that she didn't need a step stool to wash her hands. It was really cute.

Liv's 2nd Day!

So one Liv's 2nd day it was Pajama Day, Bring your Favorite Stuffed Animal.

I asked Liv which of her friends she wanted to bring. Livi asked if she could bring "Teddy" So she wore her monkey PJ's and took Teddy to school with her. Oh and Teddy came from Hershey Park when we with with Uncle Kenny, Aunt Heather and Brandon.

Liv's 3rd Day!

Crazy Hat Day, Water Day!

Wednesday, Liv was told that she needed to wear a crazy hat to school and her bathing suit under her clothes for water day. I'm not exactly sure what they did for water day but I think I heard that they were going out back and playing in a sprinkler.

Livi's 4th Day!

Family Picnic

The night before we went to Grandma and Pops for a visit. On the way home Liv started to say that she didn't like school and miss Colleen and Rosie. I told her that I missed them too and would check to see if Colleen and Rosie would be able to hang out for a little while over the weekend. Her response...but I want to see them now. YIKES!

So, needless to say Liv's 4th day didn't get off to a good start. When I wake her up Thursday monring, (I allow her 10 minutes to watch TV before having to get up and get dressed). So when her 10 minutes were up, I told her that it was time to get up and get dressed. She said "But I want to watch TV". I told her she could continue to watch her show but still needed to get dressed. So after a little hesitation she got up and dressed herself. Then I told her that I needed to brush her hair, that's when it all started. "I dont want you to brush my hair, I want to watch TV" So again, I told her that she could continue to watch TV but I still needed to brush her hair. After she was dressed and hair was brushed it was time to leave. That's when it all went down. She cryed all of the way to school saying that "I dont want to go to school, I want to stay home and watch TV". When we arrived at school, I still had to take a picture of her (as mean as that sounds, I wanted to capture all of the memories, not to mention, you would be able to read this if I didn't). So we walked inside and as I was trying to leave, she wouldn't let go of me. So I decided to stay a few extra minutes and see if I could get her engaged with another kid at school. I introduced her to a girl named Sara (who was probably 5 or 6) and Liv wanted nothing to do with her. Then a little boy "Braden" came in who is in her class he brought in car to play with . Liv knew him so I asked her if she wanted to play with him. His Mom "Jackie" (who also works there) asked him if he would share his cars with Liv. He said "Sure". So I started playing cars with Braden and tried to get Liv interested. Yeah...didn't work. So needless to say, I asked for a hug and she wouldn't let me go. After one of the daycare ladies got her off of me, I left and started to cry. That was HARD! Later that day was "Family Picnic Day". So Tim and I both got there (a little later then expected due to a bad thunderstorm) but we still got there. We met a few of Liv's classmates and had some fruit and brownies and left. Phew! What a day!

Liv's 5th Day!

Center closes at 1:00

Ok, so in the picture it looks like she was good to go. Yeah, not really. She was fine up until I asked for a hug. Then all hell broke loose. So wrapped her arms around me and then the director Pat pealed her off of me, I walked out. But before walking out I heard her screaming almost at the top of her lungs and in the corner of my eye, I saw her kicking. I cired so hard after walking out of there. I swear, that day was the hardest day yet. I'm hoping it gets better next week but only time will tell. When I picked her up at 1:00, she seemed to be having fun. I did end up calling the school and asking how long she cried for. Jackie said for about 10 minutes. (PHEW! It's not easy being a mommy sometimes)

Livi's 1st week of Pre-School!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Livi's Last Day at Little Puffin Daycare (Colleen's)

So a few weeks ago, I found out that Colleen was trying to sell her house. Believe it or not she was able to sell her house within about 2 or 3 weeks. I've been thinking about sending her to Preschool but I was trying to figure out how she could attend preschool and still stay with Colleen. I kept asking Liv is she would rather go to Colleen's or go to schoool. She would always say that she wanted to go to school. So, since Colleen sold her house and the buyer asked for a fast settlement, I decided to enroll Liv into preschool full time.

So Liv's last day with Little Puffin Daycare (Colleen) was on Friday, 12 August 2011. Throughout the week, I kept reminding Liv that this was her last week. So on Friday when I came to pick her up (and of course I was crying) I told Liv to say her Goodbyes. She hugged and kissed all the kids.

This is Colleen and Rosie (aka Rowie what Livi used to call her) Liv's 1st Best Friend

When Liv and I got home, I opened her bag of clothes (Like I've done every Friday) and there was a letter to Liv.

Of course, I was crying when I read this. There is only one Colleen! But Liv will still see them and get to play with Rosie!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2011 Glen Burnie Carnival

2011 Glen Burnie Carnival

On our way to the carnival!
Livi won her blue fish

And her bat
Livi wanted to go on the swing ride but she was too small to go by herself. So Daddy went on with her. And while they were waiting for the ride to start, Tim couldn't help himself. He started making Aunt Heather and Brandon swinging.
Liv sat like this pretty much the entire ride.

Did I mention that Brandon didn't want to go on this ride so he wasn't very happy

Liv and Brandon wanted to go in the play area but she was too small to go in this by herself too. So Daddy went in with her. Shoeless and all
One reason why Liv wasn't allowed to go by herslef. She got stuck in the ball pit.


The kids waiting in line to go back in the play area

Waiting for the ride to start.

One of my favorite pictures from the night

And my other favorite pircture from the night

I have to admit...I had a BLAST going down this slide. Liv and I ended up going down it twice. I wanted to go again but we had to leave. We had no more tickets and it was getting late. But boy did it bring back memories from when I was a kid. Oh and did I mention on the last hump of the slide we got air!
Liv and I racing Uncle Kenny and Brandon. They won!
Livi won two more gold fish from the carnival. She had two from the previous year and now added two more. So I went out and bought a bigger fish tank so the fish could have a bigger home. So Livi tried to help me catch them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Liv's 1st Swimming Lessons

Liv's 1st Swimming Lesson (July 2, 2011)

I have to admit...I was a little worried that Liv wouldn't get in the pool without me there. Well, as you should know, that wasnt a problem at all. Liv did AMAZING! I couldn't believe how awesome she did. And I was worried? Really?

There are six kids in Liv's class. The teacher takes one kid around the pool while the others sit on the steps and wait for their turn.

Liv learning how to kick

Livi putting her kicking to use

The teacher told Liv to act like she was a StarFish. She said that starfish have five points and so do we. Our heads, arms/hands, and legs/feet. So once the teach showed the kids what to do...

Liv had NO PROBLEM doing it. My little StarFish!

The last lesson for that day was to learn how to do the "crabwalk". That's when you are walking along the side of the pool using your hands and feet to walk the ledge of the pool.

These classes are 8 weeks. As long as she can do what the instructors ask before the last class then she will be ready to move on. If she doesn't then I will sign her back up for the same class that she is in now until she is comfortable and ready to move up.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flower Girl

Zach & Ani Armiger's Wedding (Liv's the flower girl)

So Liv was asked last summer (2010) if she wanted to be the flower girl. So throughout the year, I started talking to Liv about being a flower girl and how she will have to walk down the isle all by herself and throw flowers.

So the day of the wedding, Tim took Liv to her swim class and when they got home, we got ready to leave. The wedding was in Washington, DC so we had a drive to make.

By the time we got to Ani's parents house everyone was ready except Liv (whops!). So I was able to get her dress and the hair dresser fixed her hair.

The Wiskman Family
Livi being her!
So, right before Zach and Ani walked down the isle was when Liv was supposed to go. HOWEVER, she decided to stumble and smacked her head on edge of the wall. Grammy and Pop said that they hear this thud and about 3 seconds later heard Liv scream cry. Needless to say Liv didn't walk down the isle. I was bummed but what could I do right?
So after I got Liv to calm down I was able to go back into the church with her. We made it up to the front and durning the wedding I asked Liv if she wanted to still throw her flowers. She said she did. So I told her that when I tell her to go, run out in front of Uncle Zach and Aunt Ani and start throwing flowers. She did an AWESOME job! Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her and everone loved what she did and was either smiling or laughing.
This is Liv coming out of the phew
She ran up to Uncle Zach and Aunt Ani and did her job
If you look close enough you see my hand in the top right of the picture trying to tell Liv that she needs to turn around and go the other way.
Apparently she didn't hear me so you see me trying to tell her again and Uncle Zach telling her too.
Mr. & Mrs. Zach Armiger

This is one of my favorite pictures.

Livi had no problem making friends

I LOVE this picture! This picture reminds me of a cute calendar picture. All friends sitting on the bench.

So Tim and I tried to get Liv to eat the dinner that was served. If you know Liv she was not at all interested. Tim said that he was able to get her to try it but she said that she didn't like it. So needless to say she ate Fruit Loops for her dinner. Livi loves cereal!!!

Zach and Ani's reception was at the Sugarloaf Mansion. B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!!!!

About 10:00pm, we decided it was time to leave. Liv had been up since 7:00am and was going non-stop all day. She had a few cat naps but was not enough. When we were leaving the reception this is what it looked liked. Breath Taking to say the least!
